It is not just about migrants. It is about putting the last and least in first place.
The World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), 29 September 2019, is approaching, and the communication campaign of the Migrants and Refugees Section is ongoing.
The theme “It is not just about migrants” is developed this month in the sub-theme “It is about putting the last and least in first place.”
The Holy Father, during the Holy Mass celebrated for the sixth anniversary of His visit to Lampedusa, prayed for the “last” who cry to the Lord every day, begging to be freed from the evils that afflict them.
The video, taken from the celebration, is available in the WDMR resource page, together with the Message of the Holy Father for the WDMR and all the materials of the campaign, offering reflections, materials and resources for the promotion of pastoral activities on the themes of the WDMR, dealing with the various sub-themes through different texts and images.
#NotJustAboutMigrants #WDMR2019
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The previous sub-themes have been “it’s also about our fears”, “it’s also about charity”, “it’s also about our humanity” and “it’s about not excluding anyone”.
The materials in the page can be downloaded, used and shared freely.The M&R Section encourages the translation of the campaign resources into local languages to make them more accessible.
Let us work together to support our brothers and sisters most in need, remembering that they are people; it is not just about social or migration issues! It is not just about migrants!