“Charity cannot be neutral, antiseptic, indifferent, lukewarm or impartial! Charity is infectious, it excites, it risks and it engages! For true charity is always unmerited, unconditional and gratuitous! It is also about the face we want to give to our society and about the value of each human life.
Many positive steps have been taken in different areas, especially in the developed countries, yet we cannot forget that the progress of our peoples cannot be measured by technological or economic advances alone. It depends above all on our openness to being touched and moved by those who knock at our door. Their faces debunk and shatter all those false idols that can take over and enslave our lives, idols blind to the lives and sufferings of others, idols that promise an illusory and fleeting happiness.
How arid and inhospitable a city becomes, once it loses the capacity for compassion! A heartless society… a barren mother. You are not the marginalized; you are at the centre of the heart of the Church.“ Pope Francis
The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the 2019 WDMR is “It is not just about migrants”. Each month the materials develop a sub-theme with different texts and images. We began, last month, with “It’s also about our fears”. The new sub-theme is “It’s also about charity”.
Everything in this page can be downloaded, used and shared freely to support the Holy Father’s pastoral message!
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#NotJustAboutMigrants #WDMR2019
Let us work together to support our brothers and sisters most in need, and let us be promoters of charity as Pope Francis reminds us that “charity is infectious, it excites, it risks and it engages!”.