Presentations of the POHT to the Diplomatic Corp accredited to the Holy See
Vatican City, 27 September 2019 – “The Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking identify ten main challenges to which the Church is called to respond… they provide a series of key considerations that may be useful to Catholics and others in their pastoral ministry.” said Father Fabio Baggio, undersecretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section, during the official presentation of the document titled Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking (POHT), to the Diplomatic Corp accredited to the Holy See.
The event, organized by the Migrants & Refugees Section, was held on 27 September 2019 at noon, at the Old Synod Hall. The program entailed a keynote speech, delivered by H.E. Mons. Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States, and a brief introduction of the document by Fr Fabio Baggio, followed by a time for questions and answers. Copies of the document, in different languages, were available for participants (and are available here).
Read the speech of H.E. Mons. Gallagher in full here.
Read the contribution of Fr Fabio Baggio here.
Download the Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking here.