Rome, 10-12 January 2019 – The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development hosted an International Research Seminar on the theme The Future of Work: Labour after Laudato Si’ . The meeting, jointly organised by ILO (international Labour Organisation) and ICMC (The International Catholic Migration Commission), was attended by 50 delegates with the purpose to discuss on difficult problem related to work: unemployment, exploitation, trafficking, unfair wages, unhealthy working environments, depletion of natural environments, and questionable technological advancements.
The meeting – fruit of a project initiated in 2014 – wanted also to respond to what is known as the “signs of the time”, and to the complexity of “labour” problem through an interdisciplinary analysis.
Cardinal Peter Turkson gave his opening speech and welcomed participants with the hope that the outcomes of the research could shed light on what kind of work will the Catholic Church defend, create and promote.
Fr. Michael Czerny, Under-secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section, contributed during the first day of the Research Seminar with his testimony: “We need sustainability and solidarity, two key values which are contemporary and transversal”.
Read Fr Michael Czerny’s “Points on jobs, demography and migration” in full here.