[…] The reality of the ongoing pandemic is yet another reminder that we are “a
global community where one person’s problems are the problems of all” (Enc.
Lett. Fratelli tutti, 32). Despite all of our medical and technological advances
through the years, something microscopic – a seemingly insignificant object –
has forever changed our world whether we fully realize it yet or not. As I had
occasion to remark at the beginning of the pandemic, there is an urgent need to
learn from this experience and open our eyes in order to see what is most
important: one another (cf. Extraordinary Moment of Prayer, 27 March 2020). In
particular, it is my sincere hope that through this experience the international
community will come to a greater realization of the fact that we are one human
family; each of us is responsible for our brothers and sisters, none excluded.
This is a truth that should compel us to confront not only the current health
crisis but all the problems plaguing humanity and our common home – poverty,
migration, terrorism, climate change, to name a few – in a solidary way and not
in isolation. […]