[…] Putting it in everyday language, the powerful are listened to more than the
weak, and this is not the way, it is not the human way, it is not the way that
Jesus taught us, it is not implementing the principle of subsidiarity. In this way,
we do not permit people to be “agents in their own redemption” (Message for
the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020, 13 May 2020). There is
this motto in the collective unconscious of some politicians or some trade
unionists: everything for the people, nothing with the people. From top to
bottom, but without listening to the wisdom of the people, without activating this
wisdom in resolving problems, in this case in emerging from the crisis. Or let us
also think about the way to cure the virus: large pharmaceutical companies are
listened to more than the healthcare workers employed on the front lines in
hospitals or in refugee camps. This is not a good path. Everyone should be
listened to, those who are at the top and those who are at the bottom,
everyone. […]