[…] Dear brothers and sisters, let us once more contemplate Jesus. He alone
knows the secret of this lowly grandeur, this unassuming power, this universal
vision ever attentive to particulars. The secret of the fire of God, which descends
from heaven, brightening the sky from one end to the other, and slowly cooking the
food of poor families, migrant and homeless persons. Today too, Jesus wants to
bring this fire to the earth. He wants to light it anew on the shores of our daily
lives. Jesus calls us by name, each one of us, he calls us by name: we are not a
number; he looks us in the eye – let us each allow ourselves to be looked at in the
eye – and he asks: you, who are a new Cardinal – and all of you, brother Cardinals
–, Can I count on you? That is the Lord’s question. […]