[…] The good Samaritan, when he met that poor half-dead man on the side of the road, did not give him a speech to explain the meaning of what had happened to him, perhaps to convince him that it was ultimately good for him. The Samaritan, moved by compassion, bent over that stranger, treating him as a brother and took care of him by doing everything in his power (cf. Lk 10: 25-37).
Here, yes, perhaps we can find a “sense” of this tragedy that is the pandemic, as of other scourges that affect humanity: that of arousing compassion in us and provoking attitudes and gestures of closeness, care, solidarity, of affection.
We also think with gratitude of the public administrators who know how to make the most of all the good resources present in the city and in the area, who are detached from private interests and also from those of their party. Because? Because they truly seek the good of all, the common good, the good starting from the most disadvantaged. […]