Greeting of His Holiness Pope Francis at the Conclusion of Mass
Dear brothers and sisters,
I am the one who would like to thank you, all of you! Tomorrow morning, before
leaving the country, I will have occasion to bid farewell to the President of the
Republic, here present, but right now I would like to express my heartfelt
gratitude to everyone for the welcome and affection that you have shown me.
Thank you!
Here in Cyprus, I feel something of that atmosphere typical of the Holy Land,
where antiquity and the variety of Christian traditions enrich every pilgrim. This
is good for me, and it is also encouraging to meet communities of believers who
live in the present with hope and openness to the future, and who share this
greater vision with those most in need. I think in particular of the migrants in
search of a better life, with whom, together with my brothers and sisters of
various Christian confessions, I will have my final meeting on this island.
My thanks go to all those who helped to organize this visit! Please pray for me.
May the Lord bless you and Our Lady protect you. Efcharistó! [Thank you!]