19 May 2014 | Address of His Holiness, Speeches


Clementine Hall

Thank you for your visit. I thank the President of the Conference, Cardinal Robles. The address which I have signed, I will now hand to each of you so that I can have a chance to greet you one by one as you requested. Thank you for your closeness. I have learned a great deal from what you have shared with me. You express the serious concern for your Churches: some are suffering terribly from those problems which Cardinal Robles mentioned. They are grave problems. However, I see that your Church stands on very firm foundations. Your bond with the Lord’s Mother is very strong…. And this is so important! It is very important! Mary will never leave you alone to face so many difficulties, such painful situations…. Those of her children who cross the border, with all the problems inherent in migration, those who do not arrive at the other end…. There are children dying, children killed by hired assassins…. These are all serious problems! And then there are drugs, which today cause you serious suffering. When a farmer says to you: “What do you want me to do? If I grow corn, I can subsist for a month. But if I grow “opium” I can subsist a whole year!”. Stay with your people always! The one piece of advice I have for you comes from my heart — the prepared address is equally from the heart, but this is even more so: dual transcendence. The first transcendence comes through praying to the Lord: do not forget prayer. It is a bishop’s “negotiation” with God on behalf of his people. Do not forget it! And the second transcendence is closeness to one’s people. And with these two things, go forth! With this dual transcendence, go ahead! Please pray for me and I will pray for you. Thank you very much! […]

[…] I know of your commitment to the those most in need, those deprived of resources, the unemployed, those working in inhuman conditions, those without access to social services, migrants in search of a better standard of living, farmers…. I know of your concern for the victims of drug trafficking and for the most vulnerable social groups, and of your commitment in defence of human rights and the integral development of the human person. All this, which is an expression of the “profound connection” between proclaiming the Gospel and seeking the good of others (cf. Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, n. 178), undoubtedly contributes to giving credibility to the Church and relevance to the voice of her Pastors. […]