Please note that this document is an unofficial translation and is provided for
reference only.
[…] Still on the subject of the birth rate: sometimes, a woman who is employed
here or works there, is afraid of getting pregnant, because there is a reality – I am
not saying between you – but there is a reality that as soon as you begin to see the
belly, they chase it away. “No, no, you can’t get pregnant.” Please, this is a problem
of working women: study it, see how to make a pregnant woman go on, both with
the child she is expecting and with work. And still speaking of work, there is
another theme to highlight. Italy has a strong community and territorial vocation:
work has always been considered within a broader social pact, where the company
is an integral part of the community. The territory lives on the company and the
company draws its nourishment from local resources, contributing substantially to
the well-being of the places in which it is located. In this regard, it should be
emphasized the positive role that companies play on the reality of immigration,
favoring constructive integration and enhancing the skills that are essential for the
survival of the company in the current context. At the same time it is necessary to
strongly reaffirm the “no” to any form of exploitation of people and negligence in
their safety. The problem of migrants: the migrant must be welcomed,
accompanied, supported and integrated, and the way to integrate him is work. But
if the migrant is rejected or simply used as a farmhand without rights, this is a
great injustice and also hurts one’s country. […]