Dear Stigmatine missionaries, bring this fire to Christian communities, where the
faith of many people needs to be rekindled, to find strength to be contagious. At the
same time, go, go out to proclaim the Gospel to the poor, to those who do not feel
loved by anyone, to those who live in sadness and despair, to prisoners, homeless
and homeless people, to immigrants, to those fleeing from wars. Saint Gaspar Bertoni
transmitted to you the love of the Saints Sposi, Maria and Giuseppe. Therefore have
special attention to the family; together with the laity, announce the joy of love. Bring
the fire of Christ to the young, who need someone to listen to them and help them
find meaning in life. If you announce Jesus, they will be attracted; lead them to him
with patience and perseverance. Be joyful and gentle missionaries, well prepared to
meet each person. […]