Pontifical Urban University, John Paul II Auditorium
12.10.2022, 3-6 pm CEST
The Poor as our Evangelizers – H.E. Card. Louis Antonio Tagle, Dicastery for Evangelization
A Church Reborn on the Margins – Sr. Natalie Becquart, General Secretariat Synod of Bishops
Integral Human Development and Theology – H.E. Card. Michael Czerny, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Themes and Method – Don Sergio Massironi, Research Director
Exercises and Results
Prof. Toussaint Murhula Kafarhire – Kinshasa
Prof. Teresa Forcades – Barcelona
Prof. Lorena Basualto – Santiago (Chile)
Prof. Stan Chu Ilo – Chicago
Prof. Agnes Brazal – Manila
Prof. Adele Howard – Melbourne
What kind of theology do we need? An Initial Rereading of the Research – Mons. Armando Matteo, Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
Open debate with free and planned interventions
Presentation of web pages, pastoral tools, regional events, and publications
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