Joining IDPs on the path towards Christmas: two Advent activities
Here are two novel ways to help you continue carrying out Pope Francis’s message for the 2020 World Day of Migrants and Refugees during Advent.
The first is a calendar to use in your home, parish, community, youth centre or anywhere else. It’s to help you pay special attention to internally displaced persons while you live Advent fully. The calendar presents Pope Francis’s thoughts, reflections, prayer intentions, and much more. And you can post images every day from the virtual Advent calendar onto your social media. Remember to tag us!
The second is a creative and enriching activity called “Displaced like Jesus”. It’s an opportunity to learn about the reality which displaced persons experience. This game will help you to encounter the least of our brothers and sisters, to get a deeper knowledge of their lives, and to learn about good practices.
You can download all the materials and the instructions from the attached folder.
Download the material
After hanging up the Advent calendar or while playing “Displaced like Jesus” with your friends, take a photo and send it to media@migrants-refugees.va. We’ll post your beautiful and interesting photos on our M&R social media.