Cardinale Czerny: IDPs can be a positive force of change
During the Webinar for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020 organized by JRS and UISG, Cardinal Michael Czerny SJ underlined how IDPs can be a positive force of change.
“They demonstrate a remarkable degree of hope, resilience and strength. The determination, skills and capacities with which they rebuild their lives can contribute substantially to enhancing the societies that have become their new homes. Local action to support the internally displaced can contribute towards the well-being of the whole community.
Addressing the needs of IDPs and supporting their networks and interactions with local residents will help build community, and move towards recovery, social cohesion, peace, security and development. Because we are close to our IDP brothers and sisters, we are called to reveal the beauty and the capacities they have”.
Would you like to know more? Read the whole speech