UN High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges
The tenth annual High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges took place on 12 and 13 December 2017 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
This year’s Dialogue on the theme of “Towards a global compact on refugees” will serve as a “stocktaking” to assess outcomes of the extensive consultations held with a wide range of actors in the course of 2017. The Dialogue will bring together the lessons learned from the application of the CRRF (comprehensive refugee response framework) in various contexts, paving the way towards the global compact on refugees.
The Holy See, represented by Fr.Michael Czerny, under-secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section, contributed to the dialogue reminding the international community of the principles of humanity and solidarity which deeply underlie both social coexistence and international cooperation.
Read the full statement of Fr. Michael Czerny here
At the closing session of the Dialogue, UNHCR played a video featuring Pope Francis and his 4 verbs on migration: welcome, protection, promote and integrate made by the Holy See.