[…] This time of the pandemic is teaching us to view illness as a global and not a
merely individual phenomenon, and it invites us to reflect on other types of
“pathologies” that threaten humanity and the world. Individualism and indifference
to others are forms of selfishness that unfortunately end up being amplified in the
society of consumerist wellbeing and economic liberalism; and the consequent
inequalities are found even in the field of healthcare, where some enjoy so-called
“excellence” and many others struggle to access basic healthcare. To cure this
“social” virus, the antidote is the culture of fraternity, based on the awareness that
we are all equal as human persons, all equal as children of one God (cf. Fratelli
Tutti, 272). On this basis, it will be possible to have effective treatments for
everyone. But if we are not convinced that we are all equal, this will not work. […]