[…] And I pass on to answer Luigi’s question: he spoke about a project for sharing, for connecting, for building. We must go ahead with our plans for building, and this life doesn’t disappoint. If you get involved there, in a plan for building, helping — let’s think of street children, of migrants, of so many in need, but not only to feed them for one day, two days, but to promote them with education, with unity in the joy of the Oratories and so many things, but things that build. Then that sense of mistrust in life recedes, it goes away. What must I do for this? Don’t retire too early. Do. Do. And I’ll say another thing: go against the tide. Go against the tide. For you young people, who are living this economic situation, which is also cultural, hedonistic, consumerist, with values like “soap bubbles”, there is no moving forward with such values. Do constructive things, even if small, but which unite us, which bring us together with our ideals: this is the best antidote against this mistrust of life, against this culture that only offers you pleasure: to have a good time, to have money and not think about other things. […]