15 June 2014 | Address of His Holiness, Speeches


Basilica of "Santa Maria in Trastevere"

[…] Changes in society begin with the poor and the elderly. As Jesus said: “The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner” (Mt 21:42). Likewise, the poor are in some ways this “cornerstone” for building a community. Today, unfortunately, the speculative economy makes the poor ever poorer, depriving them of the essentials, such as housing and employment. This is unacceptable! Those who live solidarity don’t accept it and they take action. And this word, “solidarity”, many people want to eliminate it from the dictionary, because some cultures see it as a bad word. No! Solidarity is a Christian word! And this is why you are the family of the homeless, friends of disabled persons, who — when loved — express great humanity. I also see here many “new Europeans”, immigrants who arrived after agonizing and dangerous journeys. The Community welcomes them attentively and demonstrates that a foreigner is one of our brothers to recognize and to help. And this rejuvenates us. […]