[…] The tragedy of the last few months, which sadly compels us to turn our gaze
towards Eastern Europe, should not make us forget what has been taking place in
Syria for the last 12 years. I remember, in the first year of my pontificate, when a
bombardment had been planned over Syria, that we held a night of prayer, here in
Saint Peter’s, and the Most Blessed Sacrament was there too, and the Square was
full [of people] praying. There were also some Muslims who had brought their
prayer rugs and prayed with us. And it was there that the expression “beloved and
martyred Syria” was born. Thousands of dead and wounded, millions of refugees
displaced both internally and abroad, the impossibility of starting the needed
reconstruction. On more than one occasion, I met and heard the stories of young
Syrian youths who had arrived here, and I was struck by the tragedy they carried
within, over what they had experienced and seen, but also their gaze, almost
drained of hope, incapable of dreaming a future for their land. We cannot allow the
last spark of hope to be taken away from the eyes and hearts of young people and
their families! I thus renew my appeal to all those who have responsibilities, within
the country and in the international community, so that a fair and just solution to
the drama in Syria may be found. […]