Emergency Situations Haiti (emergency)

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Since mid-2018, economic and political crisis has worsened in Haiti, and violence and insecurity have become widespread after the assasination of Haiti’s president on July 7, 2021. This already precarious situation has been further worsened by an upsurge in clashes in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area (ZMPP) that contributed to large-scale urban displacement and daily killings and kidnappings.

As of September 27, there are more than 1,5 million people in Haiti particularly affected by the impact of ongoing violence, with 1,1 million in need of assistance in different neighbourhoods of Port-au-Prince and 400,000 in the South. As of the beginning of September, 21,684 people remained displaced in 36 sites.

A fuel crisis is further aggravating food insecurity in the country, which already affects 46% of the population, with an estimated 217,000 children suffering from moderate-to-severe acute malnutrition. As of September 27, an estimated 22,100 children under the age of five and more than 28,000 newborns are now at risk of not receiving essential health care services for the next month.

In addition, the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked southwestern Haiti on August 14, 2021, bringing down over 115,000 buildings and forcing many to flee their homes, left thousands of people in precarious living conditions, in need of adequate shelter, water, and health services. 2,246 people lost their lives, 38,777 were forced to seek shelter in displacement sites, and 2,528 remained displaced.  

UN, UN agencies, and other international organisations recalled the importance of respecting the humanitarian principles of humanity and neutrality, while calling for more effective access to regular migration. 

Condemning the violence mounting in Haiti, on September 17, the Haitian Conference of Religious released a statement expressing closeness and solidarity to the most vulnerable and to “the priests and religious of the country who have been deeply affected in their physical and moral integrity and in their works,” while appealing to the conscience of all actors to look for a peaceful solution.

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