Sergio MassironiProject Director - Regional Coordinator Europe/Mediterranean
Sergio MassironiProject Director - Regional Coordinator Europe/Mediterranean
Don Sergio Massironi, born in Lecco in 1977, coordinates the theological programme of the Dicastery for the Promoting Integral Human Development. He trained at the Archiepiscopal Seminary in Milan and was ordained by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini in 2002. For eighteen years he dedicated himself to youth ministry in the oratories and parishes of the Ambrosian Diocese and taught Catholic Religion in state schools. He has since obtained a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele in Milan and a Licentiate in Theology at the Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale. From 2014 to 2019 he also collaborated with the Servizio diocesano per la Pastorale Sociale e il Lavoro and from 2019 to 2021 he was Rector of the Collegio Villoresi in Monza. Since 2014 he has written for the Osservatore Romano and collaborates as a columnist with Radio Marconi. He is currently obtaining a PhD in Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Vienna.
“Theologians with different backgrounds and sensibilities have become my friends and companions in this journey thanks to the project Doing theology from the existential peripheries. Being at the helm of this incredible research has allowed me to witness their joy in being surprised and evangelised by the faith of the poor. We owe Pope Francis the opportunity for a new theology which does not begin and end with books, but studies, writes, and thinks while listening to reality. There, in the wounded lives of people, God precedes us and still reveals himself.”